If life exists only on Earth in this great, vast universe, that means we humanoids are as good as it gets. Now that’s a scary thought.
Last year there were nearly 6,000 reported UFO sightings in North America. That comes to nearly 16 a day. UFOs are all over the place, but mainly in California, Washington, and Florida. Extraterrestrials think people in those states are more interesting to study than we simpler folk who live in places like Georgia and Alabama. If they only knew.
Georgia has had its share of strange objects in its skies, though. Two years before becoming our governor, Jimmy Carter was standing outside a small restaurant in Leary when he spotted an object changing colors from red to white and to blue. After that scary experience, he announced, “If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists.” Well, I don’t remember that ever happening, but I do remember him being attacked by an angry rabbit after he became president.