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There are steps a man takes through life’s journey that are truly meaningful. Like when he walks up to receive a diploma, takes steps down an aisle with a bride, or steps up to face a judge. - From: Life Is Taken One Step at a Time

Nope. I can’t take it anymore. Even though plane travel is by far the safest and quickest mode of transportation, I’d rather walk or even crawl than get in a giant aluminum tube again filled with possibly diseased, nasty strangers. - From: My Next Plane Trip Will Be on a Train
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“Author Steve Reece uses straightforward language that engages and entertains the reader. Whether he’s writing about personal life experiences, historical events, crime, or family adventures, his creative, quick-witted writing style will grab your
attention. His well-told stories are a gift from this talented author to the reader.”

“Steve has used his gift for storytelling to create an entertaining collage of well-written stories on a wide array of subjects that focus on the human spirit and the fascinating world around us. Sit back and enjoy

ONCE A week, Monroe County Reporter (Georgia) columnist Steve Reece surprises thousands of readers with his insight into a wide range of subjects reflective of the culture, history, and diversity of the South and America in general. A Few Dogs in Heaven captures everyday people’s everyday experiences, with an eye to the complexities of life’s struggles. With humor, insight, and a passion for justice, this collection of columns is a must-read for those looking to delve into an honest exploration of life in the American South.